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zenyrizzataraka 12-12-2003 @ 6:24 PM                           Reply to this Discussion   Edit This Message   Delete This Message.
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Hi Diana,

Maybe I'll try to bake the easiest one first, that is the Vanilla Dreams (also calling for baker's ammonia) and then when I get the tinme I'll do the Norwegian Coconut Cookies (all from the King Arthur's recipes).
By the way Di, are you familiar with the MONDE (brand name) Cookies?  It is popular in Indonesia and I think it Danish made or somewhat,. There are assorted cookies in one Monde tin and my kids just loved the yellow ring shaped cookies using  a star tip cookie cutter which is very delicous and very tender (melt-in-your mouth). The other cookies usually left behind and last eaten when all the ring ones were consumed.  
I can not make out for the ingredients not to mention the name but I think it is the best cookie ever. Doou think you can help me? and what really makes a cookie crispy yet a melt-in-your-mouth? It is the mixing procedure or a certain particular ingredient? Please help. Thank you.
Have a nice holiday!


Zeny Sta Teresa
Sales & Export Section
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diana 12-11-2003 @ 7:36 PM                           Reply to this Discussion   Edit This Message   Delete This Message.
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Hi Zeny,

You are very welcome, and I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Oh, by the way, what recipes will you be making?

Sincerely, Diana

zenyrizzataraka 12-11-2003 @ 5:29 PM                           Reply to this Discussion   Edit This Message   Delete This Message.
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Dea Diana,

Again thank you for your prompt reply.  I know I can rely on you.  I can try to make their recipes now that I know the substitute for the baker's ammonia.

"Merry Christmas to you and to all our fellow members"

Seasons Greetings,


Zeny Sta Teresa
Sales & Export Section
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diana 12-11-2003 @ 7:14 AM                           Reply to this Discussion   Edit This Message   Delete This Message.
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Hi Zeny,

Here is the definition of Baker's Ammonia or Ammonia Bicarbonate:

Originally made from the ground antlers of reindeer, this is an ancestor of modern baking powder.  Northern Europeans still use it because it makes their springerle and gingerbread cookies very light and crisp.  Unfortunately, it can impart an unpleasant ammonia flavor, so it's best used in cookies and pastries that are small enough to allow all of the ammonia odor to dissipate while baking.  Look for it in German or Scandinavian markets, drug stores, baking supply stores, or a mail order catalogue.  It comes either as lumps or powder.  If it isn't powdered, crush it into a very fine powder with a mortar & pestle or a rolling pin.  Don't confuse this with ordinary household ammonia, which is poisonous.  

Baking powder (This is very similar, but might not yield as light and crisp a product.) OR 1 teaspoon Baker's Ammonia = 1 teaspoon Baking Powder plus 1 teaspoon Baking Soda.

I hope this information helps you out.

Sincerely, Diana
Diana's Desserts

zenyrizzataraka 12-10-2003 @ 9:07 PM                           Reply to this Discussion   Edit This Message   Delete This Message.
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While surfing the king arthur's flour site,  I came accross their recipes which calls for baker's amonia.  Can you tell me what is baker's ammonia ? and what would be the best (nearest) substitute for that ingredient?
Thank you.


Zeny Sta Teresa
Sales & Export Section
Intraca Tarakan

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