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Posted By Discussion Topic: recipe for tao huay(soy bean curd)

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Fruitcake 05-29-2004 @ 10:27 PM                           Reply to this Discussion   Edit This Message   Delete This Message.
Posts: 2
Joined: May. 04
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Hey.. I'm new here,i'm 15 and i wanna share a dessert which i loveee so much..Usually served hot but i prefer cold..

Here it is,
3 cups soyabeans, soak for at least 6 hours.
a bunch pandan leaves
3 tbsp tapiocal/corn flour
1 tbsp gymsum powder (calcium sulphate)  

300g sugar
a bunch pandan leaves

Separate soaked soyabean into 3 batches, add equal amount of water and grind till fine. Squeeze out all liquid with a piece of muslin cloth into a measuring jar, mix in more water to the paste if necessary to make total 2 liters milk.

To make soyabean milk, the exactly amout of water added is not so important. Put the milk in a large pot filling just about 1/3, add some pandan leaves. Remove foam when necessarily and bring to boil for just a few minutes. It tends to foam and overflow, so make sure the fire is low and you're there watching the cooking process! The milk is not ready. (proceed to making syrup, serve hot with syrup or leave in fridge to cool)

To make soyabean curd. Put starch and gypsum powder into a masuring jar and mix with a cup of water, pour in 1 1/2 litters of hot soyabean milk and let stand for 10 minutes to set. set the remaining milk aside.

To make syrup, simply melt sugar with a little water and a bunch of pandan leaves, filter into a bowl.

To serve, simply scoop beancurd into a bowl, add a little soyabean milk and syrup. Best eaten hot.

Anyway, i didnt made this recipe up...


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