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ytanay 03-21-2006 @ 2:02 AM                           Reply to this Discussion   Edit This Message   Delete This Message.
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I've been looking for the recipe of Chinese steamed thousand layer cake ("chin chang ko" in Cantonese)but what I've found online so far has red dates in them. The ones I like are actually layers of egg yolk custard and/or coconut between white sponge cake. If anybody has the recipe, kindly post it up or email me. Thanks

diana 03-21-2006 @ 9:58 AM                           Reply to this Discussion   Edit This Message   Delete This Message.
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This is Diana from Diana's Desserts website. Welcome to the Discussion Forum.

I have been able to find one recipe for Thousand Layer Cake on the internet that sounds like it may be what you're looking for. The only thing is, the cake doesn't seem like a sponge.

Steamed Chinese Thousand Layer Cake

Make 2 large cakes

1 1/2 cups shredded coconut
1 cup icing (confectioners') sugar
1/4 cup unsalted butter, melted

6 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 3/4 cup warm water (110 degrees F)
1 tablespoon active dry yeast
1 tablespoon baking powder
2 tablespoons shortening
2 tablespoons cornstarch
2 1/2 tablespoons water

2 tablespoons lard or shortening
1/2 cup candied papaya shreds (Can be obtained in most Chinese grocers.) or other candied peels.
1 sheet plastic (12" x 12") NOT THE CLING WRAP! If you dont have it, use foil instead.

Dissolve 1/4 cup sugar in 1 3/4 cups warm water, and then add the yeast. Let stand for 10 minutes, or until mixture is frothy. Sift the flour and baking powder into a large bowl. Stir in 2 tablespoons shortening and the yeast mixture; mix well.
Knead the dough until smooth and elastic. Place the dough in a greased bowl, and cover it with a sheet of cling wrap. Let the dough rise in a warm place for about 2 hours, or until it has tripled in bulk.
Remove the dough from the bowl, and knead it on a lightly floured surface until it is smooth and elastic. Cut the dough in half.

Mix ingredients of the filling and divide into 8 portions.

Use a rolling pin to roll each half into 16" x 6" rectangular shape. Mentally, vertically divide the rectangular piece into thirds and spread one portion of the filling on the center of the dough. Fold the left side over the middle; spread with one portion of the filling, fold the right side over. Turn the folded dough to a horizontal position; repeat the rolling and folding process one more time. Roll out the strip into a 8" square shape. Make the other square in the same manner. Place the square on a sheet of plastic wrap and sprinkle them with papaya shreds. Let the cakes rise for 30 minutes then steam them for 30 minutes. Remove and allow to cool slightly; slice and serve.

Important for steaming Chinese dessert: You must have enough water in the wok really BOILING and HOT before you place the buns or cakes in it. Keep the water boiling all the time while steaming process or else the dessert will be doughy and clasp. If the water threaten to dry out, add more hot water. Therefore, its always a good idea to have a kettle of boiling water standby. Also, make sure the lid is heavy enough to cover the dessert tightly.

Hope this is what you're looking for. Please let me know. Email me at: diana@dianasdesserts.com

Sincerely, Diana
Diana's Desserts

This message was edited by diana on 3-21-06 @ 10:01 AM

ytanay 03-29-2006 @ 8:10 PM                           Reply to this Discussion   Edit This Message   Delete This Message.
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Hi there. Thanks Diana. I saw this too but it's not quite what I'm looking for but i think i'll give it a try next week.

diana 03-30-2006 @ 10:13 AM                           Reply to this Discussion   Edit This Message   Delete This Message.
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Hi ytanay,

If you do make this particfular cake, please let me know how it turns out, ok. Thank you.

Sincerely, Diana
Diana's Desserts

Ivymeil 09-05-2021 @ 6:31 PM                           Reply to this Discussion   Edit This Message   Delete This Message.
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