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Palani 01-20-2006 @ 9:37 AM                           Reply to this Discussion   Edit This Message   Delete This Message.
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Hi All,

I don't know the Ingredients for Phyllo Pastry and i want to know the way to prepare for the same

please share your ideas and let me know  

Thanks in Advance

diana 01-21-2006 @ 10:05 AM                           Reply to this Discussion   Edit This Message   Delete This Message.
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Hi Palani,

Here is a recipe for Homemade Phyllo Dough that comes from Baking911's Website.

Homemade Phyllo Dough Recipe

Makes 1 batch
Phyllo dough is distinguished by being paper thin and gently stretched. It is made by flour and water only, which is kneaded and stretched so thin that it looks like tissue paper. When the dough is wrapped around and filling, and brushed with butter, after baking it resembles puff pastry.

2-2/3 cup sifted all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup lukewarm water
2 tablespoon salad oil

Sift flour and salt into a bowl. Gradually add water, stirring to make a stiff dough. Turn onto a pastry board. Place the oil in a bowl and spread a little of it on the palms of your hands. Knead the dough with a folding and turning motion, adding more oil to your hands when dough begins to stick. Continue until you have a smooth, elastic ball of dough and the oil is nearly all used. Then roll the ball of dough in the remaining oil to cover all sides, place a clean cloth over the bowl, and allow the dough to rest for
two hours or more in a warm place away from drafts. A barely warm oven is satisfactory.

Separate 1/4 of the dough and roll to 1/4 inch thickness on a pastry board rubbed with cornstarch. Cover with a clean cloth and let it rest for 10 minutes. Cover a table (cardtable or larger) with a smooth cloth and carefully lift dough onto it. Put your hands
under the dough, palms down and gently stretch and pull the dough with the backs of your hands, working your way around the table, until the dough is as thin as tissue paper. Do not worry if it hangs down around the edged of the table, or if some holes appear, especially around the edges. Cut off the thicker edge and save the scraps.

The phyllo is now ready to be cut into pieces with scissors if you wish to use it moist. If you prefer dry phyllo, allow it to sand until dry, about 10 minutes, then cut into desired sizes.

The scraps of dough can be put into a moist bowl and kneaded and rolled again.

Also See: http://www.baking911.com/pastry/phyllo.htm

Hope this helps you out.

Sincerely, Diana
Diana's Desserts

Ivymeil 09-05-2021 @ 6:32 PM                           Reply to this Discussion   Edit This Message   Delete This Message.
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