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diana 02-14-2002 @ 12:46 PM                           Reply to this Discussion   Edit This Message   Delete This Message.
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Welcome to my discussion forum! Please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas.


AUDREY 05-28-2002 @ 1:39 PM                           Reply to this Discussion   Edit This Message   Delete This Message.
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Ejoyed baking the Lemon Yogurt Cake but the last time the middle of the cake did not cook properly.  I followed the receipe exactly.  My oven is 3 yrs old.  Can someone help me?  Thanks


diana 06-02-2002 @ 10:03 AM                           Reply to this Discussion   Edit This Message   Delete This Message.
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Hi Audrey,

This is Diana from Diana's Desserts replying to your comment about your problem with the Lemon Yogurt Cake.

My first idea would be to ask you if you have an OVEN THERMOMETER. If not, you should get one, so you can test your oven to see if it is at the right temperature. If your oven, which is only 3 years old, is not heating up to the right temperature, this could be the reason that the middle of your cake is not cooking properly. Is your cake too moist in the middle, or does it have wet spots where it looks like it isn't baked enough?
The recipe calls for baking the cake at 350 degrees F. If you place an oven thermometer in your pre-heated oven that you set for 350 degrees, and your oven thermometer only reads, let's say 325 degrees, than your cake will be under cooked, or if it reads 375 degrees, than your cake will over cook. So, I think you should purchase an oven thermometer. They are not expensive. If you don't mind purchasing over the Internet, try Cooking.com. I have a banner on my website to click on to bring you to their website store. They carry almost everything for your baking needs plus many other things. Otherwise, you can purchase oven thermometers at hardware stores, supermarkets, and at your local cooking stores. The brand I like for thermometers is made by Taylor.
The only other idea I have is that you might want to bake the cake for 5 or so more minutes, or bake your cake at 375 degrees F, for the 45 minutes as it states in the recipe. As I said, your oven temperature may be off.
Please let me know how the cake comes out the next time, after you've gotten an oven thermometer. You can email me at: dianajo@pacbell.net. Or you can leave a reply to me here at my Discussion Forum, whichever is most convenient for you.

Good Luck, and Happy Baking!!
Diana-Diana's DessertsTextTextText

3glams 12-07-2002 @ 12:55 PM                           Reply to this Discussion   Edit This Message   Delete This Message.
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I noticed that you have used Siljan's croustades.  I would like to make some individual quiches using the croustades.  The quiches have to be baked, of course, and I need to know if the croustades can be used in this manner.

diana 12-08-2002 @ 7:24 AM                           Reply to this Discussion   Edit This Message   Delete This Message.
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Hi 3glams,

Yes, I used Siljan's Croustades for making my chocolate marshmallow cups, but there wasn't any baking involved. The croustades are already baked, so they wouldn't work if you needed to use them for making quiche.

You would have to make mini quiche shells from scratch, or buy store bought ready-made mini quiche shells or tart shells, or buy the frozen ones that are not baked yet. They do sell them in most large supermarkets. These are usually found on the frozen foods aisle.

Diana's Desserts

3glams 12-08-2002 @ 10:11 AM                           Reply to this Discussion   Edit This Message   Delete This Message.
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Thanks for the information.
Those chocolate marshmallow cups looked delicious!  I plan to make some.

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