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Dianne 11-26-2002 @ 7:57 PM                           Reply to this Discussion   Edit This Message   Delete This Message.
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Hi Diana,

Thanks for your concern but the Tassies are made and I really don't have any need to freeze them now.  I was delayed in my baking and just made them today so they should be fine for Thanksgiving Day.  I just need to remember to put the cheese cake in the fridge tomorrow night so it will be thawed for Thanksgiving!! ha ha  Thanks so much for your help and support.  I look forward to trying more recipes from your web sit.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


Kind regards,


diana 11-26-2002 @ 4:20 PM                           Reply to this Discussion   Edit This Message   Delete This Message.
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Hi Dianne,

Here is the definitive answer on freezing the Pecan Tassies with Cream Cheese Crusts:

To freeze them, prepare as directed. Let them come to room temp, then store in an airtight container in the freezer. Let them thaw overnight in the fridge and serve at room temp.

I would not let them stand in the fridge more than a few hours before baking them. The crust may become soggy.

Dianne, I hope you read this, and it's not too late.

Sincerely, Diana
Diana's Desserts

diana 11-20-2002 @ 7:01 AM                           Reply to this Discussion   Edit This Message   Delete This Message.
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Hi Dianne,

So glad your pumpkin cheesecake came out so well, and that the tips on the "water bath" worked so well for you.

Please let me know how the Pecan Tassies came out.

And thank you for passing along my website link to others.

Again, have a wonderful holiday season.

Sincerely, Diana
Diana's Desserts

Dianne 11-20-2002 @ 6:23 AM                           Reply to this Discussion   Edit This Message   Delete This Message.
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Hi, Diana,

I will have the tassies both for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I'll be cooking them only a week ahead of time but I just wasn't sure how to store them during that time.  Also, yesterday I made a pumpkin cheesecake and by following your tips with the water bath I made my first ever cheese cake without a crack in it.  I love your web-site and have sent links to several people.

Thanks for your help.  Have a wonderful holiday season.


Kind regards,


diana 11-19-2002 @ 8:29 PM                           Reply to this Discussion   Edit This Message   Delete This Message.
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Hi Dianne,

It's Diana from this website.

To answer your question about whether you can freeze the Peacn Tassies, I would say yes. Just wrap them well in plastic wrap and place in freezer, or put in freezer bags and place them flat in freezer. Don't place them on top of each other. As I said, lay them  flat in single layers. You can also do this by placing them in single layers on baking sheets, and wrap sheets well with plastic wrap and put in freezer.

The night before you are ready to serve them, remove from freezer and put them in your refrigerator to defrost overnight; then in the morning when they have defrosted, remove from refrigerator and let them come to room temperature (for about 30 or so minutes). You can then reheat them in your oven (on baking sheets) on low heat, maybe 200-250 degrees F for 15-20 minutes. These times are just an approximate. You will have to keep an eye on them.

Are you serving these for Thanksgiving or Christmas?

Hope this helps.

Have a wonderful holiday season.

Diana-Diana's Desserts

Dianne 11-16-2002 @ 10:10 AM                           Reply to this Discussion   Edit This Message   Delete This Message.
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I want to start my holiday baking and I'm not certain about the best way to store them.  I'm going to make Pecan Tassies (mini pecan pies with cream cheese crusts).  Can these be frozen successfully or is that even necessary?

Kind regards,


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