Topic: Unsalted Butter

skhan    -- 12-19-2006 @ 10:33 PM
  Hellow All !
I am planning to bake Fruit Nut Bread given in Dianas'Recipe section. Can enyone please tell me that can I replace the unsalted butter with salted butter and skip the salt part in the dry mixture of flour and baking powder? I couldn't find any branded unsalted butter here in my city.
Can I replace the unsalted butter with a homemade cultured butter which is also unsalted but it is cultured.


diana    -- 12-20-2006 @ 8:42 AM
  Hi skhan,

Yes, you can replace the unsalted butter with salted butter and skip the salt part in the dry mixture of flour and baking powder. Also, unsalted butter is sometimes called "sweet" butter so maybe it's called that where you live.

Sincerely, Diana, Diana's Desserts

Sincerely, Diana
Diana's Desserts

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