Diana's Desserts - www.dianasdesserts.com

Cake-Custard Medley

Servings: 5-6
10 slices of sponge cake
Jar of mixed fruit jam
Juice of 5 oranges
2 cups of chopped fruits like apple, banana, grapes, pomegranates, mango and pineapple
2-3 cups prepared custard

Garnish (optional)
Extra fruit
Whipped cream

Apply 1 tsp. of jam on a cake slice and join it with another. You will have 5 cake sandwiches. In a serving bowl, nicely layer the sandwiches. Pour orange juice over them. Top with fruits and then with custard. Garnish with whipped cream and fruit and serve.

Makes 5-6 servings.

Source: My own creation
Submitted By: Sahiba
Date: March 23, 2007