Diana's Desserts - www.dianasdesserts.com

"Mix In A Bag" Fudge Icing

Use this easy to make chocolate fudge for icing cupcakes, cookies, or any type of miniature desserts. Yummy!!

3 oz. package of cream cheese, softened at room temperature*
1 lb. box of confectioners' sugar
1/2 cup cocoa
2 tablespoons of butter, softened at room temperature*
2 1-gallon Ziplock storage bags

Place all ingredients in one of the Ziplock bags, close and put it in the next Ziplock bag. Give everyone a turn at squishing the bags to mix. Mix until smooth.

After mixing is completed, cut the corner off the bag and press a thin fudge line from the bag. Apply as decoration for cupcakes, cookies etc. Press any extra fudge out on a flat plate to enjoy later.

*NOTE: Make sure the cream cheese and butter are at room temperature before mixing starts.

Source: DianasDesserts.com
Date: September 19, 2002