Diana's Desserts - www.dianasdesserts.com

Fresh Fruit Chilled Green Tea

Servings: 1
A delicious twist on iced tea by combining fresh fruit juice with chilled green tea. If desired, garnish with a slice of fresh fruit, such as pineapple.

You can always make up a big pitcher of this tea, just use 1 cup of brewed green tea per serving, so if you want 6-8 servings, use 6-8 cups chilled brewed green tea, and 1/4 to 1/2 cup fresh juice per serving, and enough honey for each serving, to taste. When ready to serve, add the ice cubes and serve immediately.

1 cup brewed green tea, chilled
1/4 to 1/2 cup fresh extracted juice, such as pomegranate, apple, mango or pineapple
Honey, to taste
Ice cubes, as needed

In a large glass, combine the chilled brewed green tea and fresh juice of your choice. Add the honey and stir well. Add ice cubes and serve immediately.

Makes 1 serving.

Date: June 21, 2009