Diana's Desserts - www.dianasdesserts.com

Homemade Honey Roasted Peanut Butter

Servings: 4 to 5 cups
I just read your recipe for homemade peanut butter and I think you and your readers will like mine. It also lasts much longer than yours does.

2 pounds (906 grams approximately) honey roasted peanuts

Put the honey roasted peanuts in a food processor with the blade and turn it on and walk away. It takes around five minutes for it to turn into peanut butter. First it gathers in a large ball, then will break down and turn into a liquid form. When it is done pour it into tupperware containers (or similar containers) and put in the refrigerator. It takes at least one full day to set before eating. It must be kept refrigerated and it lasts forever as long as it is properly contained and in the refrigerator.

Makes 4-5 cups.

Source: My own recipe
Submitted By: Christy Cane
Date: September 3, 2007