Diana's Desserts - www.dianasdesserts.com

Light Gelatin Whipped Cream

Servings: Makes 2 cups
Whipped Cream made with gelatin gives a firm and mousse-like texture. You can use flavored gelatin, or unflavored gelatin.

With unflavored gelatin, you may want to add sugar to the mixture for a sweet whipped cream taste.

3 1/2 tablespoons (half of a package) of Jello, any flavor, or 1 teaspoon unflavored gelatin*, dissolved in 2 tablespoons hot water
1/2 cup hot water
1/2 cup chilled undiluted evaporated milk, or 1 cup light cream
1 teaspoon vanilla extract-Optional
2 tablespoons sugar to 1/4 cup sugar, to taste-Optional

Dissolve flavored Jello, or unflavored gelatin in hot water. Chill until slightly thickened. Add evaporated milk (or cream) and beat in a stainless steel bowl with rotary beater, or an electric mixer using the whisk attachment until light and fluffy (about one minute),and stir in vanilla. Chill several minutes to set slightly. Before using, stir until smooth and fluffy like whipped cream. Use as a topping for Jello, cakes, pies, or puddings. Makes 2 cups.

*NOTE: If using unflavored gelatin, add 2 tablespoons sugar to 1/4 cup sugar to the mixture if you like a sweet whipped cream.
Dissolve the 1 teaspoon unflavored gelatin in 2 tablespoons hot water instead of 1/2 cup that you would use for the flavored gelatin.

Source: DianasDesserts.com
Date: June 15, 2002