Diana's Desserts - www.dianasdesserts.com

Sweet Blueberry Pudding Cake

Servings: 8-10
3 tbsp. unsalted butter
1 cup sugar
1 large egg
1 cup milk
1 tsp. vanilla
1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
2 tsp. cream of tartar
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
4 cups fresh or frozen blueberries
3/4 cup granulated sugar
whipped cream or ice cream for garnish

French Cream Topping-Optional(see recipe below)

Pre-heat oven to 350° F. With an electric mixer, cream together butter, sugar and egg. Add vanilla to milk. Sift together remaining ingredients.

Mix blueberries with sugar (if using frozen blueberries heat with 1 cup water and the sugar). Pour blueberries in a shallow 9x13 inch baking dish.

Add flour mixture, alternating with milk to butter mixture, starting and ending with flour. Mix until blended, but do not over mix. Pour batter over blueberries and bake for 30 minutes. Serve warm with whipped cream or ice cream or French Cream. Serves 8-10.

French Cream

1 package (3 oz.) cream cheese, chilled

1 cup whipping cream

1/2 teaspoon grated lemon peel

1 tablespoon lemon juice

3 to 4 tablespoons powdered sugar

Chill a deep bowl and the rotary or whip beater of a mixer
for at least 10 minutes.

Put cream cheese in bowl and mix on high speed with rotary
or whip beater until cheese is spread around base of bowl.
With mixer on high speed, pour cream down the side of the
bowl (not into beaters) into the cheese, slowly enough that
the cheese stays thick and forms ridges like stiffly whipped
cream as you beat it; scrape sides of bowl as necessary.

When all the cream is whipped into the cheese, turn off
mixer. Add lemon peel, lemon juice, and powdered sugar to
taste; mix at medium speed to blend. Serve with Blueberry
pudding cake.
Makes 2 cups.

Source: DianasDesserts.com
Date: July 27, 2002