Diana's Desserts - www.dianasdesserts.com

Keemun Tea

Servings: 1
Keemun - Aroma is Reminiscent of Orchids

Keemun tea is truly one of the world's rares teas. Keemun Black tea or Keemun for short is produced in Qimen County in the Anhui Province and is China's prized black tea (though the Chinese refer to it as Qihong - meaning "red tea"). The rolling ranges of the Huangshan Mountains, luxuriant with forests, tower over crisscrossed rivers and streams where tea gardens stud the valleys and hills at 200-400 meters above sea level. The tea gardens are often shrouded in fog and bathe the hills in great humidity, a condition most beneficial for the growth of leaf buds resulting in the leaves being soft and tender. The congenial natural enviroment endows the Keemun tea with a unique aroma and rich taste.

Regarded as the "Burgundy" of Chinese tea, Keemuns, at their best, rank among the great teas of the world. It requires a great deal of gnogfu (disciplined skill) to make the fine, taut, sometimes irregular strips without breaking the leaves. Choice Keemun has an exquisitely complex, subtle, mellow flavor that may grow winey with age and depending upon how the tea is brewed, can be quite strong without being unpleasantly bitter. The aroma, at it's best, is equally penetrating, and may be reminiscent of orchids or incense, while the liquor is reddish and thick-bodied. With milk the flavor mellows but the finish is extremely long and fine. A "wonderful" tea for enjoying at any time of the day.

1 Keemun tea bag
Boiling water
Sugar (optional)
Milk (optional)

1). Place 1 tea bag in a prewarmed cup.

2). Pour boiling water over the tea bag.

3). Allow tea to steep for 3 - 5 minutes or to desired strength.

4). Serve with sugar or milk, or both (optional).

Because of the flavor of Keemun tea, lemon should NOT accompany it. The combined mixture of keemun tea and lemon will produce too tart of a taste. Milk and/or sugar may be served with Keemun tea, if desired.

Makes 1 cup of tea.

Source: DianasDesserts.com
Date: March 28, 2003