Diana's Desserts - www.dianasdesserts.com

Honey-Strawberry Shake

Servings: Makes 2-4 servings
A healthy and refreshing alternative to an ice cream milk shake using flavored yogurt, honey and fresh strawberries.

1-1/2 cups milk
1-1/2 cups fresh strawberries, sliced
1 cup vanilla yogurt
1/4 cup honey* (see note below)
5 ice cubes

Combine all ingredients except ice cubes in a blender and blend until thick and creamy.

Add ice cubes one at a time and blend until smooth. Pour into chilled glasses. Serve immediately.

Makes 2-4 servings.

*Note: Honey should not be fed to infants under one year of age. Honey is a safe and wholesome food for children and adults.

Date: February 9, 2003