Diana's Desserts - www.dianasdesserts.com

Zabaglione with Fresh Peaches in Balsamic Vinegar

Servings: 4

Definition: [zah-bahl-YOH-nay]. One of Italy's great gifts to the rest of the world, zabaglione is an ethereal dessert made by whisking together egg yolks, wine (traditionally marsala) and sugar. This beating is done over simmering water so that the egg yolks cook as they thicken into a light, foamy custard. Traditional zabaglione must be made just before serving. (There is also a frozen version.) The warm froth can be served either as a dessert by itself or as a sauce over cake, fruit, ice cream or pastry. In France it's called sabayon or sabayon sauce.

Copyright (c) 1995 by Barron's Educational Series, from The New Food Lover's Companion, Second Edition, by Sharon Tyler Herbst

3 medium peaches (1 pound total), unpeeled, cut in halves, pitted, and each peach half cut into six wedges
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar
1/3 cup granulated sugar
4 large egg yolks
1/3 cup sweet marsala wine

Special equipment: An instant-read thermometer

In a medium size mixing bowl gently toss peach slices with balsamic vinegar and the 1 tablespoon sugar, then let macerate 30 minutes for flavors to come together.

When peaches have macerated for 15 minutes, combine egg yolks, marsala wine, and the remaining 1/3 cup sugar in a large metal bowl (or top of double-boiler) set over a saucepan (or bottom of double-boiler) of 2 cups barely simmering water and beat with a handheld electric mixer at medium-high speed until zabaglione registers 140°F/60°C on instant-read thermometer, about 7 minutes. Continue beating over simmering water until zabaglione has tripled in volume and forms a thick ribbon when beaters are lifted, about 4 minutes more. Remove bowl from saucepan (or bottom of double-boiler).

Divide peaches and their juice among 4 dessert bowls or glasses and top with zabaglione. Serve immediately while still warm as after 20 to 30 minutes the zabaglione will deflate.

Makes 4 servings.

Photograph taken by Diana Baker Woodall© 2005

Source: DianasDesserts.com
Date: August 21, 2005