Diana's Desserts - www.dianasdesserts.com

Coconut Macaroons for Passover

Servings: Makes 35 macaroons
These scrumptious macaroons make a wonderful treat for Passover, either as a snack or as a light dessert after your seder. If desired, drizzle chocolate ganache over the tops of the cookies for a very special "extra" for your guests that are chocolate lover's.

3 egg whites
1 cup granulated sugar
2-1/2 cups desiccated coconut* (see notes below)
1 cup macadamia nuts or almonds, finely chopped

Chocolate Ganache (optional), for drizzling over tops of cookies.

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Lightly grease 2 baking sheets.

In a medium bowl, with electric mixer on high, beat egg whites into soft peaks. Gradually add sugar, beating after each addition until peaks are glossy. Fold in coconut and nuts.

With wet hands, roll tablespoonfuls of mixture into rounds and set on baking sheets. Bake 20 to 25 minutes, or until lightly golden. Cool on racks and store in an airtight container. Macaroons will keep 2 to 3 days.

Makes approximately 35 macaroons.

*Notes: Desiccated coconut, available in health-food stores and the natural-foods section of supermarkets, produces an excellent macaroon. If you can't find Desiccated coconut easily, substitute with coconut flakes, found at most supermarkets.

If desired, make a chocolate ganache and drizzle over tops of cookies for an extra special treat.

Source: DianasDesserts.com
Date: March 8, 2002