Diana's Desserts - www.dianasdesserts.com

Chocolate Covered Prunes

Servings: 20-24 pieces
These chocolate covered nut-stuffed prunes make a lovely gift for almost any occasion. In fact, we are bringing these scrumptious candies to my cousin's wedding anniversay party today......Diana

20 - 24 pitted dried prunes
20 - 24 whole almonds or walnut halves
1 - 1 1/2 cups semisweet chocolate chips or milk chocolate chips* (see note below)

You will need a wooden or metal skewer, waxed paper and a large baking sheet or cookie sheet.

Line a large baking sheet or cookie sheet with waxed paper. Set aside.

Place prunes in a medium size bowl, and place almonds or walnut halves in another medium size bowl.

Using your fingers, or a sharp knife (slicing almost two-thirds of the way through the prune, but not all the way through), stuff each prune with a whole almond or walnut half (if the prune is too small to hold a walnut half or a whole almond, then break nut in half, and stuff prunes with half an almond or a quarter of a walnut). Seal the nut-stuffed prunes as well as you can with your fingers (some of the nut may show through the prune, that is alright).

Microwave chocolate chips in a medium size microwave-safe bowl on HIGH (100 % power), until melted, 2-3 minutes. Stir chocolate until smooth. Using a skewer, dip each nut-stuffed prune in melted chocolate until lightly covered. Place chocolate covered prunes on waxed paper lined baking sheet (or cookie sheet) and cool in refrigerator or freezer until hardened. Store in airtight container at room temperature or if desired, they may be stored covered in the refrigerator.

Notes: If weather is warm, I would suggest refrigerating the candies.

I used Guittard Super Cookie Chips (semisweet chocolate) in this recipe.

For gift-giving, place each chocolate covered prune in a pretty foil candy cup, or wrap each prune in decorative foil candy paper; place in a gift-giving type box or candy tin and tie a ribbon around box or tin, or place candies in an attractive (lined) basket and wrap with clear or colored cellophane paper and tie with a colorful ribbon.

Makes 20 pieces.

Photograph taken by Diana Baker Woodall© 2004

Date: April 20, 2004-Recipe revised on July 3, 2004