Diana's Desserts - www.dianasdesserts.com


Servings: 1
Definition: [kap-poo-CHEE-noh] An Italian coffee made by topping espresso with the creamy foam from steamed milk. Some of the steamed milk is also added to the mix. The foam's surface may be dusted with sweetened cocoa powder or cinnamon.

Copyright (c) 1995 by Barron's Educational Series, from The New Food Lover's Companion, Second Edition, by Sharon Tyler Herbst

You will need:
Espresso maker or combination Espresso/Cappuccino maker
Coffee bean grinder (if using whole beans)

Espresso beans (Italian Roasted coffee beans, whole or ground)
Chlorine-free water, or Filtered water or bottled spring water
3 oz. milk (per serving)

Ground chocolate, ground cinnamon, or ground nutmeg


1. Make a 1 1/2 oz. espresso, leaving enough water in the espresso machine to steam some milk.* (See recipe for "Espresso" under the Beverages category on this website).

2. Put espresso in a 5-oz. or larger cup so that you have room for the milk.

3. Set espresso machine to steam.

4. Fill a stainless-steel carafe with 3 oz. cold milk and insert the steam nozzle.

5. Place nozzle halfway down in milk and leave it in milk for 45 to 60 seconds, or until the milk is hot and there's enough foam for your preference.

6. Add 1 1/2 oz. steamed milk to the cup of espresso.

7. Spoon some foamed milk onto the top.

8. If you like, sprinkle with ground chocolate, cinnamon or nutmeg.

Makes 1 serving.

For a drink with fewer calories, use 2 percent milk, 1 percent milk or nonfat milk.

Traditionally, cappuccino is 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk and 1/3 foam.

A caffe latte is espresso with two to three times as much steamed milk, also topped with foam.

In Italy, people would find it odd to order a cappuccino after a meal; if you want something with milk in it, you must not have eaten enough.

Warnings: Steam can cause severe burns, and an espresso machine will be very hot even after it is turned off. Open valve on the machine's steam tube very slowly. Never steam a carafe of milk that is more than 1/3 full.

Date: June 10, 2003