Diana's Desserts - www.dianasdesserts.com

Chocolate Gravy

Servings: Yield: Approximately 3 cups
This recipe was prepared for my mother who was born in 1927 by her mother born about 1898. It is made to be served HOT over buttered, hot, fluffy southern biscuits as a breakfast treat. I continued the tradition with my daughters, as they have continued it with their children. It is so sweet that it is made only for very special occasions - such as when Grandma comes for a visit! I have found that it can be made in enamel pans, but my preference is for the traditional cast iron skillet, as that imparts a special flavor to the chocolate.

2 cups sugar
1/3 cup cocoa powder
1 cup water
few grains of salt*
1 teaspoon butter*
1 teaspoon vanilla*

*May be omitted

Place the sugar in the cast iron skillet and turn on the heat.

Add the cocoa powder and salt and blend these dry ingredients until thoroughly mixed. Slowly add the water while stirring. As the mixture comes to a rolling boil, you may add the butter and vanilla. Be careful as the mixture may try to boil over, so turn off the heat momentarily until the boiling dies down. Return to a boil several times until the mixture starts to have a "syrupy" drag on your spoon, (softball stage).

Spoon about 1/2 cup per person for two average-sized split biscuits or 1/4 cup per split biscuit. Serve immediately over fluffy, hot biscuits with fresh, creamy butter.

If you have any leftover syrup, you may refrigerate and use for chocolate milk, or re-heat in the microwave to use over biscuits at a later time.

Yield: Approximately 3 cups.

Source: Heirloom Recipe From Maternal Grandmother
Submitted By: Charlotte Geier
Date: March 7, 2003