Diana's Desserts - www.dianasdesserts.com

Ice Cream Strawberry Shortcakes

Servings: Serves 4
Cook's Tip:

Don't worry if the shortcake falls apart when you cut into it.

Ice Cream Strawberry Shortcakes can be assembled up to 1 hour in advance and kept in the freezer without spoiling the fruit.

12 (individual or single size) store bought shortcakes
5 cups vanilla or strawberry ice cream
1 1/2 pounds hulled fresh strawberries
Confectioners' sugar, for dusting

If using store brought shortcakes, trim the raised edges level with the base, using a serrated knife or bread knife. Start with the shortcake, and place one-third of the ice cream and the strawberries on top. Spread them evenly to make a level base. Add another layer of shortcake and another third of the ice cream and the strawberries. Then the final layer of shortcake. Arrange the remaining ice cream on top and finish with the strawberries. Chill in the freezer before serving. Dust with confectioners' sugar.

Makes 4 individual ice cream strawberry shortcakes.

Source: The Complete Book of Desserts
Submitted By: Ariel Smith
Date: 12/27/02