Diana's Desserts - www.dianasdesserts.com

Dutch Stroopwafels

Servings: Makes 12 Stroopwafels
History of the Stroopwafel:
Stroopwafel, as it is known in Holland, is a unique type of cookie that has been around for centuries in its native country the Netherlands. It is a traditional daily treat for the Dutch and is mostly eaten with their morning coffee or tea. The Syrup Waffle (Stroopwafel) is still sold and made the traditional way, at local open air markets using propane powered cast iron grills . As the delicious scent travels through the market, the customers line up with their mouths watering.

Traditional Syrup Waffles (Stroopwafels) are made with two thin wafle-type wafers that have a very special caramel filling. Sometimes hazelnuts or honey, or other flavors are added to the filling. The waffle is cooked at a very high temperature on a waffle iron then sliced in half. The syrup then spread on and the two halves come together again. The best way to eat a Stroopwafel is either at room temperature, or to heat it in the microwave for just a few seconds.

Stroopwafel recipes are generally guarded secrets that are passed down from parent to child, generation after generation. Good recipes are very difficult to find and even if a good recipe is found, there is a tremendous amount of specialized equipment needed to bake a proper Stroopwafel.

A Little More Stroopwafel History:
These delicious Caramel Cookie Waffles (called Stroopwafels by the Dutch) with richly filled chewy centers are one of Holland's true specialties.

The history of the Stroopwafel goes back until 1784. A baker from Gouda baked a waffle of old crumbs and spices and filled this waffle with syrup. The Stroopwafel was born. In fact the Stroopwafel was a rest product. And therefor a popular pastry among the poor.
During 1784 the Stroopwafel was only known in Gouda. Nowadays every bakery in Gouda has its own recipe.

Did you know.... that every Dutchman eats about 20 Stroopwafels a year!

In this stroopwafel recipe, we do our best making stroopwafels by using a pizzelle iron.

For The Wafles:
4 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/2 cup white sugar
1 cup unsalted butter
2 large eggs
1 (.25 ounce) package active dry yeast
1/2 cup warm water

For The Filling:
1 1/2 cups packed brown sugar
1 cup unsalted butter
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
6 tablespoons dark corn syrup
1/2 cup finely ground hazelnuts, optional*

Preheat pizzelle iron.

To Make Wafels:
Dissolve the yeast in the warm water.
Cut one (1) cup of the butter into the flour. Mix in the sugar, cinnamon, eggs and yeast mixture. Mix well and set aside to rise for 30 to 60 minutes. Roll dough into 12 small balls, squeeze each ball into the preheated pizzelle iron and bake for about 30 seconds. Cut the wafels into two thin wafels and spread with filling.

To Make Filling:
In a saucepan boil the brown sugar, the remaing one cup of the butter, cinnamon, and dark corn syrup until it reaches the soft ball stage (234-240 degrees F 112 -115 degrees C). Stir in ground hazelnuts at this point, if using.

To Assemble:
Cut each wafel into two (2) thin wafels and spread with filling. Repeat this process until all the filling is used.

Makes 12 servings.

*Note: If using hazelnuts, remove skin, if possible. Grind hazelnuts in a food processor until they are ground to a fine powder.

Tip: Try eating your stroopwafel by resting it over a warm cup of coffee or tea...the steam will warm these up just right.

Date: August 26, 2002