Diana's Desserts - www.dianasdesserts.com

Cranberry Chutney

Servings: Makes 2 1/2 cups
A refreshing version of the traditional cranberry sauce, this chutney has sweet, spiced flavors brightened with fresh mint.

1 lb. fresh cranberries
1 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup firmly packed dark brown sugar
2 cups fresh orange juice
1 cup apple cider
1 cinnamon stick
6 fresh mint leaves

In a saucepan over medium heat, combine the cranberries, granulated sugar, brown sugar, orange juice, cider, cinnamon and mint and stir to mix. Bring to a simmer, stirring occasionally, then reduce the heat to medium-low. Simmer until the juices have reduced and are thick enough to coat the back of a spoon, about 1 hour.

Let the chutney cool to room temperature, then cover and refrigerate. Let stand at room temperature for about 1 hour before serving. Remove and discard the cinnamon stick. Transfer the chutney to a sauceboat or serving bowl and serve.

Makes about 2 1/2 cups.

Date: September 6, 2006