Diana's Desserts - www.dianasdesserts.com

Melt in Your Mouth Drizzle Chocolate Chip Muffins

Servings: 12 Muffins
This dessert is great for holidays, or just when you're having friends over. Enjoy!

12 chocolate chip muffins, homemade or store-bought (not mini muffins!)
3 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips (more if needed), melted

1. Arrange muffins on a platter. Make sure they do not touch.

2. Melt chocolate chips over medium heat on stove. Make sure the chocolate does not burn.

3.After the chips are melted, take off heat and pour over chocolate chip muffins. Serve immediately.

Makes 12 muffins.

Source: My own recipe
Submitted By: JH
Date: October 30, 2007