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Topping and Spreads For Scones and Biscuits
in Diana's Recipe Book
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Comments: These are some very tasty spreads and toppings to serve with your warm scones, biscuits or muffins. |
Ingredients: ![]() See Ingredients Below |
Instructions: Orange Butter: In a small bowl, combine 1/2 cup (1 stick) softened butter and 2 tablespoons orange marmalade. Beat with fork or electric mixer until blended. Serve with warm scones. Streusel Topping: In a small bowl, combine 2 tablespoons butter, 3 tablespoons flour, 2 tablespoons sugar, and 2 tablespoons finely chopped almonds or walnuts. Blend with a fork until crumbly. Sprinkle on top of plain scones before baking and lightly press into the dough. Devon Cream: Blend an 8-ounce package of cream cheese (softened), 1/3 cup sour cream, and 1 tablespoon sugar. (This approaches the taste of genuine Devonshire clotted cream, a staple of Devon Cream Teas and best made in England with a friendly Jersey cow standing nearby.) Clotted Cream: Pour 2 cups of pasteurized (not ultra-pasteurized) heavy cream into a shallow glass pan or pie plate. Cover with foil, then place in an oven at low temperature (our oven has a "warm" setting, which would work) for 8 hours or overnight. Do not stir. Carefully remove pan from oven, being careful not to shake it. With a slotted spatula, skim the thick cream from the surface, leaving the watery residue behind (add it to bread dough or soup). Gently stir the clotted cream to smooth it, and store in the refrigerator. Tastes best served at room temperature. Clotted Cream - Recipe by Alton Brown Food Network Prep Time: 5 minutes Yield: 1 cup Ingredients: 2 cups pasteurized (not ultra-pasteurized) cream Instructions: Set a coffee filter basket, lined with a filter, in a strainer, over a bowl. Pour the cream almost to the top of the filter. Refrigerate for 2 hours. The whey will sink to the bottom passing through the filter leaving a ring of clotted cream. Scrape this down with a rubber spatula and repeat every couple of hours until the mass reaches the consistency of soft cream cheese. Preparation time 5 minutes Ease of preparation: Easy Yield: 1 cup Lemon Curd: Place the juice and grated rind of 3 lemons in a heavy saucepan or the top of a double boiler. Add 1 stick of butter and 1 cup sugar. Over low heat or simmering water, stir until the butter melts and the sugar dissolves. Beat 2 large eggs in a separate bowl and add slowly to the lemon mixture, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Cook until the curd thickens and coats the spoon. Pour into sterilized jars, cover, and store in the refrigerator. Serve with warm scones. Fruit Preserves: Spread strawberry, apricot, or any flavor fruit preserves over warm scones, and top with Devon or Clotted cream. |
Source: DianasDesserts.com |
Date: August 5, 2002 |
Reviewer: carolyn

the orange butter is over the moon and I agree the recipe for devon cream is as good as it gets! thanks for sharing. scones with cream and strawberry jam yummy

the orange butter is over the moon and I agree the recipe for devon cream is as good as it gets! thanks for sharing. scones with cream and strawberry jam yummy
Reviewer: chris


Reviewer: Paul


Reviewer: Elisha Scuffham

Sounds yummy!

Sounds yummy!
Reviewer: Catie

The clotted cream recipe was absolutly delicious!

The clotted cream recipe was absolutly delicious!
Reviewer: afeez

very good

very good
Reviewer: Diane

its great and its a lovely snack for my cousin

its great and its a lovely snack for my cousin