Diana's Desserts - www.dianasdesserts.com

Banana Split Layer Cake

Servings: Makes 4 layers
1 package (1-layer size) white or banana cake mix
1 package (1-layer size) chocolate cake mix
Bananas, sliced
Strawberries, sliced
Maraschino cherries, drained
Crushed pineapple, drained
Chocolate syrup
Whipped cream, (you will need approximately 5 cups of whipped cream)

1. Bake each layer cake mix by following directions on packages.

2. Cool cakes and cut each cake into two layers (you will have a total of 4 layers).

3. Place one layer of chocolate cake on a serving dish and cover with whipped cream. Arrange slices of bananas, strawberries, pineapple and cherries on top of whipped cream. Repeat this with remaining layers of cake.

4. Top cake with remaining whipped cream and decorate top of cake with fresh fruit if desired, then drizzle with chocolate syrup and nuts.

Makes one (4-layer) cake.

Source: Internet
Submitted By: Jane
Date: April 7, 2007